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AUSSEF Team tops the Medal Count in China

AUSSEF Team tops the Medal Count in China

In the closing ceremony for the 38th China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest (CASTIC), our four students all took out major awards. Adrian and Alex Zhuang (NSW) won a Gold Award in the Environmental Science category, Niyaz Hasan (NT) won a Silver...
Seeing the Sights of Tianjin

Seeing the Sights of Tianjin

International relations are at the heart of CASTIC. This evening, we were taken on a ferry ride down the Haihe River where we witnessed the amazing lights of Tianjin and took in the spectacular architecture including the giant Ferris wheel “Tianjin Eye” built on the...
Special Awards Judging and Public Display Day

Special Awards Judging and Public Display Day

As a chaperone, this is the day I have been waiting for to finally see all of the projects. I was delighted to find that not only were there senior student projects, but also a Primary School section. These students absolutely deserve to be there as a couple of them...
Official’s Lunch with CASTIC Organisers

Official’s Lunch with CASTIC Organisers

While the students were busy presenting their projects at judging, I was engaging in international relations at an official’s lunch. Bing Xin, director of CAST welcomed us to China and to CASTIC. Seated next to Songguang Wang, deputy director of CAST was an honour...