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While the students were busy presenting their projects at judging, I was engaging in international relations at an official’s lunch. Bing Xin, director of CAST welcomed us to China and to CASTIC. Seated next to Songguang Wang, deputy director of CAST was an honour extended to develop positive relations between Australia and China for a continued partnership. Discussions were held regarding education and development of scientific and technical innovations amongst our students along with invitations to widen our international participation and extending our engagement. An extensive degustation of Chinese specialties was a welcome treat. As new country representatives at CASTIC, AUSSEF has generated an interest from a wide range of countries. Jasin Hodzic from Bosnia told me that he researched AUSSEF as soon as he saw our t-shirts as he was excited to see Australian representatives. We have also had invitations to attend International Science Fairs in Tunisia, Russia and Malaysia. Our reputation is growing.
